Final Project Preparation - an outline

This project represents a moving boundary between a full modular Aquaponics system and a reasonable subset for the Fab Academy. I have taken the highest value and least expensive portions and collected them into this. It is still very ambitious for 2 weeks of part time effort however I believe that it is doable and will help with our summer educational programming and community food security projects.

Big Picture

The current project is in line with the initial project proposal. Its scope is refined based on the competencies acquired in the course and through knowinf the possibilities of the lab and the time necessary for implementation. This module has been scaled to 1 square meter grow area and supporting about 120 Gal of water and 40 lb of fish production.

These components will be intergated with an existing Aquaponics system for this project before having a new system built around them after the class is complete.


Please note that this is a dynamic outline. Click the triangular symbols at the left of each line to expand and contract the content.
